Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Journey....

Like a waterfall I flow angelically;
crossing the rocks endearingly;
blessed am I by nature's majesty
Full of life, bliss, zeal and ecstasy;
with each day my desire for grace increases;
As I flow down my aging ceases;
on my way I find rocks impeding;
but I turn and bend to continue leading;
I love the joy, the sound, the peace...
these are the things, I feel with ease
being carried away is but my weakness
still i feel a new way is good for freshness
I am thankful for all the bloom and beauty
ready for hurdles coz blessings are ensued by duty

Like a waterfall I flow angelically;
crossing the rocks endearingly......

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Lost in the labyrinth of life a child cries,
unable to get through, he constantly tries,
high in spirits, he never wants to lose,
but amongst so many turns, which one to choose??
taking a deep breath, he decides to follow instincts,
following a path that gave him some hints,
on this way, apprehensive about his fate,
success is a delight while loosing he'll hate...
while reading this could you also see?
this child is you and this child is me...


A tiny droplet was resting over my palm,
it was so cool; and it was so calm,
It sparked when rays pass through it,
it was so composed that it never split,
PEACE was what I felt when I saw;
it was in the drop, with no flaw.......